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You may have seen her on TV helping police solve crimes. Nancy Orlen Weber has appeared on Court TV’s Psychic Detectives and the Biography Channel’s recently premiered, Psychic Investigators. If you have, you know that Nancy is a very gifted woman. She is spiritually and psychically connected to the beyond. But, one of Nancy’s greatest spiritual connections is with animals. And she has been communicating with them her entire life.

GP caught up with Nancy, and asked her to talk about her lifelong love for and communication with animals.

Nancy Orlen Weber pictureOne of Nancy’s earliest memories was when she was four years old and on a family outing in the New Hampshire wilderness. While her family picnicked, Nancy was drawn to what she felt was something “very beautiful” nearby. Strolling a short distance, she found what she felt was calling to her -- a beautiful, red dog. She and the beautiful red dog spent a few minutes in peaceful friendship before her father began yelling anxiously for her to come to him. You see, her red dog was in fact a fox. Of course, her parents feared for her safety, but Nancy knew better. She and the fox were sharing a moment of peace, tranquility, and pure friendship.


She recounted another story, more recently, when she was walking a client out the door to her home. “At the end of my front porch, was a 450-pound mama bear. I thought it was adorable and I told my client who was afraid to wait, not to move. I moved a few steps away. I sent my love, friendship, honor, and joy at meeting a dear new friend. I said ‘I love you but this is not the appropriate place for you. I’m sorry. You really need to be where you normally live best. Please go into the woods.’ I started walking and she started walking. She turned and kept looking at me. I followed her about 50 feet. Then she started walking to my neighbor’s yard. I laughed and said ‘You know better’ and she looked at me as if she was laughing too, and then she continued into the woods." 

There’s no denying that spiritual communication comes easier for Nancy than most of us. But, she says we can all communicate with other species. In fact, she wrote a book about it called “The Gift of Interspecies Communication: True Stories & Exercises for the Soul.” In her book, Nancy shares her thoughts as well as personal stories of communicating with animals.

She recalls that as a child, the Bronx Zoo was a scary place. “Watching huge animals pace back and forth in a tiny cage made me cringe.” Even as a child she recognized “how bored and depressed they must be.” She says in her book, ”If I had to be at a zoo because my parents believed I would somehow benefit from the experience, then the animals must benefit, too. I stood silently praying for their peace….sending them love….and heaps of friendship.”

Today, Nancy admits that in general zoos have come a long way -- transformed from cold, desperate places to sanctuaries for endangered species. “Animals are now being rescued and some of the species are recovering due to the inspired work of so many who care.”

GP asked Nancy: Can anyone communicate with animals and how do we overcome potential fear?

“We can all communicate with animals,” Nancy says. “Keep in mind that any strong emotions are perceived by the animal. That does not mean they know why you have that strong emotion so the worst thing you can do when they are lost is magnify your fear. If you broadcast your fear, they will not know why you are afraid. They will be afraid.

“When they are ill, our worry and fear for them does not translate. They do not understand that the reason you are concerned is because they’re sick. Instead, they become more worried and concerned for you. That is to me the most important lesson all of us can learn when we need to make a difference in an animal’s’ life -- be they not well, frightened, or emotionally distressed. The worst thing we can do is broadcast our negative emotions. It will be interpreted as problems from us to them. It will magnify everything. It will amplify it all. 
“Put all your fears and concerns aside when you enter into focusing your attention and intention on another species.

GP: If I wanted to sit down with my dog or even an opossum in my backyard and communicate, how do I begin?

“First, I consciously remind myself that I am part of a divine universe that all things are created by. Therefore the other life form is also a soul encased in a form. The main difference between us is our form. Our souls are brethren, kin. I quietly send greetings, soul to soul, thanking them for their beautiful presence on this earth, praying that their lives go well, praying for their safety, and offering them unconditional love, soul to soul life form to life form, as brethren on this earth. Then I am in a state of peace where I can present myself. Depending on what I feel, I will either slowly walk toward or I will maintain my space where I am.”

GP: In your book you say we should all strive to be healers. Please explain.

“The word healer implies you’re doing something to another – we’re not. We’re offering support and health. When I work with other species, many times they are easier to work with. They don’t argue the point. If they are having problems, many times they will demonstrate it. They will turn to the area of the problem.

I work with whatever healing tools I can use to assist them with health -- whether to recover or make their lives more peaceful. That is the job of any friend. It’s no different than the help I give to anybody else. Recognizing when a dog comes over and licks me, and greets me, and loves me, they too have just become a healer for me. When the cats come over and cuddle with me, they are healers. When a deer allows me to approach it, or a groundhog to pet it, or a bear communicates with me on my porch then lumbers off, this is the healer in all species. And when we recognize that each species offers a gift, we relax. We do our part.

“I use a lot of hands-on healing techniques. I make them up. Anybody can do that. If it’s from your heart, from your soul and if you trust it, it will grow. You don’t need to be licensed or certified to offer assistance and love. You simply need to quiet down. I use a lot of essential oils --- therapeutic grade only.” She is emphatic that only therapeutic grade oils be used. "Store bought essential oils are almost all Grade B or diluted down and non-effective. True Therapeutic Grade A oils are at least 20 times more powerful than any water soluble product. 

“I think it’s important with all the environmental damage that we have heaped on every species that we use products that are as close to nature as absolutely possible.

“In my work with animals, I use my mind, my heart, my soul, my hands, essential oils, homeopathy, and referrals to acupuncturists, chiropractors, and holistic vets -- whatever is appropriate. But most of all, it is bringing into it the right frame of mind and heart.”

As eluded to in the title of this article, Nancy’s list of titles goes on and on. She is also a registered nurse, ordained minister, healer, medical intuitive, songwriter, poet, published author, teacher, and illustrator. Not surprisingly, she was awarded a Chief of Detectives Badge by a Commissioner. She is truly a Renaissance woman.

Nancy’s a busy woman but never too busy to stop and converse with an animal friend. There’s no denying it. Nancy is the real deal, and she should be an inspiration to all of us who strive to communicate with our own animals as well as with all the wonderful creatures in our world.

Nancy lives in rural NJ with her family (human and animal). She holds workshops and classes around the country on topics related to holistic healing and spirituality. Three times a year, she holds a workshop entitled “You Can Talk With The Animals.”

Visit her website,, or contact her at 973-586-2230.

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