Thanks for Joining!

I’d like to thank everyone for visiting Green Paw and especially those of you who registered to be a member.

If you haven’t joined yet, membership is free. The registration process is fairly easy and fast. We purposely kept the questions we ask to a minimum to make it quick and not intimidating. And please remember that we will not share your email addresses with anyone else.

Please Participate
Once registered, you can access our forums and polls. The forums allow you to converse with other members on various topics. You can also start your own topic. Keep in mind that you must be logged in to take the polls or post in the forums.

As we’re just starting out, we’re trying out new things to see what our members like. Here are some of things we currently offer:

Coming Soon

Please email us if there’s something you would like to see on Green Paw, or if you have a question.

Thanks again for visiting. And, do keep coming back.